Tuesday, July 5, 2011

i've got babies

my kitty has given birth at last...yay..after suffering for a few weeks watching her carrying that huge belly(it is I who suffer, not her):P

she got 4 cute kittens...and i've started to wonder if ever the kittens survived, what am i supposed to do with them...it's not like my house is an animal shelter..that's a pretty harsh thing to say, i admit...but, kittens, just like babies, are pretty hard to handle, right???i love to watch them, taking care of them??i think i may need a little help...though i'm their unofficially fairy godmother...lol

i think an army of mosquitoes just attacked me last night....really hate those tiny blood-suckers...they're not even vampires...why the hell should they take so much blood from me??
okay, whatever...i'm just raving...

that's all^^



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