Wednesday, June 29, 2011

my cat's sick hobby

my cat caught another little bird again today...i was so shocked when i discovered her playing with the dying bird..she was acting all innocent while the bird, sadly to say was hardly breathing...i was trying to get her away from it, but she stubbornly tried to get to the bird...actually, i was quite afraid to hold the bird, it didn't move at all, but i could see the heart's still beating...

then, after putting away the very naughty cat of mine, i gathered my courage and lifted it up...i put it on a piece of tissue paper and held it gently on my palm...i asked my mother what should i do with the bird, well, it's not waking up and i was afraid that if i put it somewhere, the cat would found mother was not good in handling this kind of thing and so she told me to wait until my little brother came back home...he had an experience in dealing with this since my naughty cat had actually pulled the same stunt the day before...but, luckily my brother said that the bird survived as he found it quite early...and so i put the bird far across the street...when my brother got back, my mother told him about it...unfortunately he said that the bird had perished...poor little bird...

i know that my cat doesn't actually eat birds, she only wanted to make them her toys...i seriously feels that she played too much... you see, she is pregnant and it really makes me wonder how in the world did she manage to catch a bird with her swollen belly...and it's not like there's no other things that she could use to play with...well, i guess there's nothing much i can is her nature to catch the bird and although people keeps saying that cats are clever and kind of have feelings, i can't oppose her animal instinct...i just hope she wouldn't catch any birds again...better to keep her occupied than having her running around and messing with other beings, in this case, birds...

that's all i wanted to write about...and please keep in mind that "she" here refers to my current little "catlady"..she loves to play and EAT...well, she's pregnant anyway, so i have to bear with her big appetite...




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