Wednesday, May 6, 2009


my favourite team!!!!,i'm going to talk 'bout this obsession of mine....hahaha
ok,by the time i write this post,i don't really know MU latest update whether in EPL/BPL,UEFA,etc...
it's kinda heart-breaking to see that they actually have closer and closer to losing the title(EPL)...
but what can i say??i'm just a mere fan...hell,yeah.i don't really know 'bout strategy or method in football..
but then, i also heard 'bout the possibility that RONALDO would leave the team after this season ends..
hukhukhuk..RON, don't go!!!well, maybe it's just a rumour..but still it's sad if he actually leaves MU...
i love MU..and i love RONALDO even more...yup,crazy fangirl...


Unknown said...

ummu!!! gotcha!!! lolol


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