Sunday, November 25, 2012

It's Just An Obsession

     I'm on a short break. I don't want to talk about exams. They're kind of revolting as of now. They turn me off. Just stop thinking, for God's sake!!

     Okay,that was soo unnecessary.Please forgive my outburst.

Good news!! My weight has been constant for these past few weeks. No crazy readings so far.
Bad news!! It's 2 kg heavier than I used to be.

     Yes, I know skinny or fat is very subjective. And please don't ask people around you whether you're fat or not. They're just saying what they think you want to hear the most. "What are you talking about?You're as thin as a toothpick!". I never bought that kind of replies. I don't blame them though. It's either they don't really care about you, or they're just being nice friends. I hope for the latter. And yeah, you're saying "Do I look fat?", "Oh my God, I'm getting fatter!", "Look at all these fats, they keep sticking to my body like magnets!", are actually pain in the arse. Your friends may be sick of your incessant whinings and some may actually feel offended. No offense intended here. This thing applies to me in full package. I am whiny and has constant obsession about my weight. In my defense, I didn't actually whine that I'm fat, I just said that I look fat, or I'm getting fatter. Those held very different meanings okay. But all the same I admit that I am actually kind of a pain in the arse. Poor my friends??0_o More like poor me. 

     Losing weight is nice actually. Your body feels lighter and no more carrying around extra baggage here and there. My personal record of losing weight is 5 kg in a week. I was exercising like mad man before bed, after classes, not in the morning though *because I quite always have just enough time to get ready for classes. It paid off splendidly. By the end of the week, I was 5 kg lighter, back to my previous weight. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I only tried to lose those 5 kg because I gained 5 kg the months before. All because of that stupid cereals. 

     However, losing too much weight in a short period of time is actually not good. Well, some say that you'll gain just as much soon, and some say that there might be something wrong with your body. You might have diabetes, or cancer, or hyperthyroidism. Just saying. I never actually thought of these losing weight issues in this perspective, but I met a doctor recently who enlightened me about these whole deathly illnesses thingy. I'm sure she just want to scare away weight-loser maniac like myself. 

     This update wasn't supposed to be about my weight. But it did anyway. So boring. I probably should get another life*that was the most inappropriate thought for today. I really should slap myself.

It's fun being a woman. We have so much superfluous worries^^

That's all...



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