Friday, December 10, 2010

friends through blood type^^

it feels like forever since i last posted in this blog of mine...busy much????
not really^^
just too lazy to move my fingers on this keyboard...
enough babbling about my "boring" life...

earlier on, i've posted something regarding how people can be categorized or read through their blood type..well, i did managed to offend some people (which i felt really x10000 sorry for it), but please rest assured that this whole blood type thingy is just for fun...a reading pleasure material only...please do not take it too seriously because it may bring harm to yourself and eventually to me, myself and i!!
just kidding...^^

so, i actually took this, well, i rather say that i extracted this from one of the korean show that i's really typical since the main reason i, for one thing, was so into this kind of weirdo thingy in the first is because of those korean shows that i watched...

ok, so here some things for your eye-candy!!

To become friends with people of different BLOOD TYPE....

Become friends with blood type A:
~they're sensitive, so try to show them that you're on their side.
~they have strong pride, so don't criticize them.

Become friends with blood type B:
~they're honest, so they won't understand you if you don't get to the point.
~acknowledge their uniqueness and they'll really like it.

Become friends with blood type O:
~they like their talents to be recognized.
~don't compliment them too much or don't compare them to others.
~they're usually cheerful, but get twice as hurt than others.

Become friends with blood type AB:
~they know themselves well because they like to analyze things.
~don't compliment them too much.
~they don't like to be pitied either.

but honestly, what makes a friendship to last is good understanding....
a real friend would always accept our good or bad personality because sometimes a personality that people consider to be inappropriate is the one thing that bonded 2 or 3 or 4 or any number that you want, good friends together...



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