Friday, October 30, 2009


almost everyone has facebook right??
but you see,i also has one,
the only problem is,i'm too lazy to open it,
each time i'm on the net,the word "facebook" almost never cross my mind,
my friends have been nagging at me about this,
but i couldn't find anything interesting to do with my fb,
i admit that i did opened it occassionally,
but all i did was just to approve friends,accept this and that,
and that's all,
then i'd go offline,

enough of that,
the conclusion is quite simple really,
i AM lazy,,lol

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


what a short holiday,,
wanna spend some time more at home,,
though the real thing is ,
i don't want to go back to the college!!!

my holiday is quite full with events,,
family events,,
so far it's not a boring holiday,,
i love going to open houses,,
can eat lots of many things,,
i think i've gained lots of weight,,

it's been a long time since my last post,,

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